Midway Multimodal Plan

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The City and County of Broomfield completed the development of interim and future concept plans, as well as a project report for Midway Boulevard in December 2022. 

Broomfield applied for funding in 2024 to design and implement the interim improvements recommended by this plan.  Broomfield has also been awarded grant funding to conduct additional public engagement and fully design the future concept beginning in 2026.  This funding will advance Midway to final design for the entire corridor except the US 287 intersection.  

You can learn more about the history of this project, including how community input shaped the plans, by reading below.  

Project Summary

The City and County of Broomfield in partnership with the project team, completed the development of interim and future concept plans, as well as a project report for Midway Boulevard in December 2022. The concept plans are aimed at improving mobility, comfort, and safety with a focus on making improvements for walking, bicycling and speed compliance in the Midway corridor. The concept plans have incorporated data collected about Midway Boulevard’s existing conditions, as well as community input received throughout the project. The final project report and the interim and future recommended concept plans can be found by following

Project Summary

The City and County of Broomfield in partnership with the project team, completed the development of interim and future concept plans, as well as a project report for Midway Boulevard in December 2022. The concept plans are aimed at improving mobility, comfort, and safety with a focus on making improvements for walking, bicycling and speed compliance in the Midway corridor. The concept plans have incorporated data collected about Midway Boulevard’s existing conditions, as well as community input received throughout the project. The final project report and the interim and future recommended concept plans can be found by following the links below:

Screenshot of Draft Concept Plans

Public Engagement Summary

Your input has been essential to ensure the proposed improvements are the right fit for the community. Your feedback has been used to help the City and County of Broomfield to develop interim and final recommendations for Midway Blvd improvements. Engagement opportunities about the draft concept plans ended in October 2022 and your feedback has been incorporated into the final plans and the project report. In total Broomfield received more than 1,800 public comments related to this project. The final interim and concept corridor improvement plans, along with the final Midway Blvd Multimodal Report will be available for your review on this Broomfield Voice page in early 2023.

How the Project Team Arrived at the Draft Concept Plans

In phase I of the design process, the City and County of Broomfield split the corridor into five character areas that shared similar existing roadway use patterns and lane configurations:

  • Lake Link Trail to the US 287 Intersection
  • US 287 Intersection to Main Street
  • Main Street to Ash Street
  • Ash Street to Sheridan Boulevard
  • Sheridan Boulevard to Zuni Street

For each roadway section, three alternative roadway cross sections were developed including an interim condition, which identified short term, lower cost improvements; and two future condition cross sections.

Future Cross Section Example

The City and County of Broomfield asked the community to provide input on the roadway cross sections to help identify the preferred cross section for each segment of the corridor.

Draft Concept Plans

In Phase II of the alternatives development process the City and County of Broomfield has taken all of the information learned up to this point and developed draft concept plans for the entire corridor. These plans utilize the preferred cross sections from Phase I of the alternatives development, as well as crossing, intersection, and operational changes to improve the corridor. Additionally, the CIty and County of Broomfield has made recommendations to help achieve the project goals including:

  • Implementing best practices for safety at intersections to improve pedestrian and bicycle visibility and driver awareness of when and where to expect pedestrians and bicycles.
  • Clarifying roadway striping to enhance predictability and operations on the roadway.
  • Taking measures to avoid or minimize impacts that the project team is aware of on the corridor, including: impacts to mature trees, parking, impacts outside of Broomfield right-of-way, impacts to natural resources, and, where possible avoiding impacts to existing city maintained irrigation systems.
Further, the project team met with Broomfield Public Works, Parks, and Open Space staff to share plans and identify the improvements that work best from a maintenance standpoint. This will minimize the additional expenses for plowing and generally maintaining the newly proposed transportation facilities.

Why is Broomfield Doing this Plan?

The City and County of Broomfield Transportation Master Plan and the Broomfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Assessment identified the need for a Midway Multimodal Plan due to high crash rates, community input, and the diverse populations and land uses along the corridor. Previous planning efforts identified improved walking and bicycling routes as part of Broomfield's low stress bike network and the need to improve crossings at major intersections in the corridor. The Midway Multimodal Plan will identify basic and enhanced design options that will allow for systematic implementation as funding is available.

Midway Boulevard In Broomfield from the Lake Link Trail on the west, to the Big Dry Creek Trail on the East

Frequently Asked Questions

Public engagement for this project began in early August of 2021 and has included an online commenting map, a number of in person events, and three virtual public meetings. The project team has heard hundreds of comments from these outreach activities and has compiled a frequently asked questions to address some of the most common questions from the public. Please click here to review the frequently asked questions from the first phase of this project.

Will There Be Meetings?

Broomfield held three e-meetings in September 2021. You can watch the recording of the first meeting by following the link here or view an abbreviated of the meeting presentation here. This meeting reviewed the project schedule, existing conditions, and options for design improvements.

Discussions: All (4) Open (0)
  • Question of the Week for 8/30/2021

    8 months ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    Which one of the following would you be least willing to do in the Midway corridor? (multiple choice)

    1. Let your child ride a bicycle to school 
    2. Walk with your family pet along the sidewalks to parks or open space 
    3. Drive your car 

  • Question of the Week (Sept. 6)

    8 months ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    What should be done immediately to make the corridor safer to walk, bike, and drive?

  • Question of the Week (Sept. 13)

    8 months ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    What do you think Broomfield could do within the next five years to make the corridor safer to walk, bike, and drive?

  • Design Alternatives Discussion Forum

    over 2 years ago
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    Do you want to talk about the alternatives with you neighbors? This is a forum to share your thoughts and have conversations with your neighbors about the draft design alternatives. Staff and the project team can also answer questions as part of this forum.